Only accepted show cars are allowed in assigned parking spaces. No movement of vehicles within the show on Sat. from 9:30-3:30 (only medical emergencies excepted). All pop-ups must have weights to avoid movement from wind and may be set up in dirt/open areas & sidewalks not blocking stores or other show cars. No pop-ups, chairs, musical equipment, etc., allowed in show parking spaces.
Please Note: The Fun Run Registrar will try to park you with your car club and/or friends, provided you have completed information on this registration form. However, we will be unable to honor any request to park your group or club in a specific space or location. Your best chance to get a preferred space is to be prompt when you submit this application. Entering online is the only way to get priority registration.
All spaces not claimed by 9:00 AM Saturday are subject to resale. Please pick up registration packet on Friday if possible.
Entrant agrees to allow BBLACC to use likeness of car and person on the BBLACC website.
Liability: In consideration of the acceptance of the right to participate, entrants, participants and spectators, by execution of this entry form, agrees to abide by all event rules and releases and discharges the Big Bear Lake Antique Car Club of Big Bear Lake, California and its officers, directors, employees, agents, representatives and servants and anyone else connected with management or presentation of this event of and from any and all known or unknown damages, injuries, losses, judgments and/or claims from any case that may be suffered by an entrant to his person or property. Further, each entrant expressly agrees to indemnify all the forgoing entities, firms, persons, and bodies, of and from all liability occasioned or resulting from the conduct of entrants or any participant assisting or cooperating with entrant under the direction or control of entrant.
NOTE: The entrant agrees to be present at the award ceremony on Sunday if the vehicle is an award winner. Otherwise the award will be presented to a vehicle that will be present on Sunday.